Can Dogs Have Pineapple? 5 Benefits of Pineapple For Dogs!

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Last Updated: October 29th, 2023

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“Can Dogs Have Pineapple?” Many dog owners are wondering if they can share this juicy fruit with their furry friend and we have the answer!

can dogs have pineapple? Cute dog with pineapple on yellow background

Pineapple Consumption: Is it Secure for Dogs?

Absolutely! In reasonable quantities, dogs can indulge in fresh pineapple. This tropical fruit is a warehouse of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and fibers, similar to strawberries, this is a delightful and wholesome treat for our canine friends. Ensuring that it is adequately prepared and served in dog-friendly portions is important for keeping it a beneficial part of their meals.

Pineapple’s Nutritional Benefits for Dogs

Pineapple can offer some health benefits for dogs when given in moderation and without any added sugars or preservatives. Some potential benefits include:

  • Digestive Enzymes: Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that can help break down proteins, potentially aiding in digestion.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: According to AKC, ripe, raw pineapple contains a lot of vitamin C, along with thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, and folate. Pineapple is also full of minerals, including manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, iron, and small amounts of calcium, phosphorus, and zinc.
  • Fiber: The fiber in pineapple can promote healthy digestion and regular bowel movements.
  • Natural Sweetness: If your dog has a sweet tooth and you’re trying to train your dog or reward them without using commercial treats that may have added sugars and fillers, a small piece of fresh pineapple can be a tasty and healthy alternative.
  • Aiding in Preventing Coprophagia: Some dog owners believe that feeding pineapple can deter dogs from eating their own feces (coprophagia). The theory is that pineapple gives feces an unpalatable taste, although scientific evidence supporting this is anecdotal.
small cute puppy with a pineapple

Considerations Before Feeding Your Dog Pineapple:

  • Sugar Content: Pineapple is high in natural sugars, which can be too much for some dogs, especially if they have health conditions like diabetes.
  • Potential Allergies or Sensitivities: Some dogs might be allergic or sensitive to pineapples or its acidity.
  • Digestive Upset: Too much pineapple can cause digestive upset, including diarrhea or stomach pain.
  • Hard Core: The core of the pineapple can be tough and a potential choking hazard. Always remove it before offering pineapple to your dog.
  • Canned Pineapple: If you’re considering giving your dog canned pineapple, make sure it’s in its own juice and doesn’t have added sugars. Even so, just like for pears or any other fruit, fresh is always better.

Remember to introduce any new food, including pineapple, into your dog’s diet gradually and in small amounts to see how they react. It’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian before making significant changes to your dog’s diet or introducing new foods.

dog with a pineapple on his head

How to Prepare Pineapple for Dogs

Freshly Sliced Pineapple

Preparing pineapple for dogs is straightforward but does require a few steps to ensure it’s safe for your pup to consume. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Wash the Pineapple: Start by rinsing the pineapple under cool running water to remove any dirt or contaminants.
  2. Cut off the Crown and Base: Using a sharp knife, cut off the top (crown) and base of the pineapple.
  3. Remove the Skin: Stand the pineapple upright and slice down the sides to remove the skin, following the shape of the pineapple. Try to remove as many of the “eyes” (brown spots) as possible.
  4. Remove the Core: Pineapple has a hard central core that can be a choking hazard for dogs. Slice the pineapple into quarters lengthwise. Then, cut out the core from each quarter.
  5. Cut into Appropriate Sizes: Depending on your dog’s size, chop the pineapple into bite-sized pieces. For smaller dogs, the pieces should be quite small to prevent choking, while larger dogs it’s okay to serve larger pieces.
slices o pineapple

Frozen Pineapple Dog Treats

If you enjoy making homemade dog treats, here is a perfect DIY dog treat recipe for a hot summer day:


  • 1 cup fresh pineapple (remove the core and chop into small pieces)
  • 1 cup plain yogurt (ensure it’s free from any added sugars or artificial sweeteners, especially xylitol which is toxic to dogs)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (optional, add if your dog has a sweet tooth)


  1. Puree the Pineapple: In a blender, puree the fresh pineapple chunks until smooth. If your pineapple is not very juicy, you can add a small amount of water to help blend it.
  2. Mix with Yogurt: In a mixing bowl, combine the pineapple puree with the plain yogurt. If you’d like a hint of extra sweetness, you can mix in a tablespoon of honey. However, ensure it’s an appropriate amount for your dog’s size and dietary needs.
  3. Pour into Molds: Use silicone molds, ice cube trays, or even small paper cups as molds for the treats. Pour the mixture into your chosen mold.
  4. Freeze: Place the molds in the freezer and allow them to solidify for several hours or overnight.
  5. Serve: Once frozen, pop the treats out of the molds and offer them to your dog on a warm day!

Final Verdict: Is Pineapple a Dog-Friendly Fruit?

In conclusion, pineapple can be a nourishing addition to your dog’s treat repertoire when added with consideration we provided in this article. Prioritize fresh varieties and steer clear of processed or canned alternatives laden with undesirable additives. It’s always advisable to seek professional consultation from a veterinarian when introducing novel foods to your pet’s dietary spectrum, ensuring they align with their specific health objectives and nutritional prerequisites.


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