What is it like to own a Beagle? Answering 13 Questions About these Cute Dogs

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Last Updated: September 24th, 2023

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If you are asking yourself “What is it like to own a Beagle?” we got you! Here are answers to 13 commonly asked questions about these intriguing pets.

What is it like to own a Beagle?
Image credit: Adobe Stock

Introduction: What Every Potential Owner Should Know

Beagles are one of the most iconic and beloved breeds. But, what is it like to own a Beagle? From their playful demeanor to their exercise needs, this guide answers the most common questions about these cute canines.

Are Beagles good house dogs?

Beagles, due to their compact size and friendly nature, often find themselves as favorites for house pets. They are social creatures, so they thrive in a family setting and get along with children and other pets. They are very adaptable to different living conditions, whether you live in an apartment or a house with a backyard, Beagles adjust well, given they have enough exercise. Keep in mind that Beagles are pretty vocal dogs, their howls and barks can be loud. It’s something to consider if you have close neighbors.

Are Beagles good pets for seniors?  

For seniors, Beagles can be both a joy and a challenge. One thing is for sure, they are affectionate companions. They are known for their loving nature, making them excellent company. They are also manageable size, which is very important for elderly people. Weighing around 20-25 pounds, they are relatively easy to manage. The only con would be their activity level. They do require regular exercise, so it’s essential for a senior to either be active or have assistance in walking them.

A senior individual lovingly patting their Beagle.
Image credit: Adobe Stock

Are Beagles hard to potty train? 

Beagles, being scent-driven, can sometimes be challenging to potty train. However, with consistency, they can be trained effectively. Remember that consistency is crucial. Regular potty breaks and a set routine help immensely. Use reward-based training, positive reinforcement, like treats, goes a long way. Remember to be patient with potty training. Every dog has their own timeline, so some Beagles may take longer than others. Don’t get disheartened if your dog takes a bit more time.

How much exercise does a Beagle need?  

Regular exercise is essential for a Beagle’s physical and mental health. Beagles require at least an hour of daily walking, split between morning and evening. Playtime is also really important for this breed. Fetch, tug-of-war, and other games are great for burning energy. Don’t forget about the mental stimulation: puzzle toys and scent-tracking games can keep them occupied.

Beagle sitting in front a beautiful view
Image credit: Adobe Stock

Are Beagles hard to walk on leash?

Beagles, being scent hounds, have a heightened sense of smell which can often make them a bit challenging to walk on a leash. When they catch an intriguing scent, they might have the urge to follow it, sometimes pulling on the leash or trying to change directions suddenly. Dogs with a strong olfactory system, like Beagles, often need additional leash training to prevent them from becoming too distracted during walks. This doesn’t mean they’re impossible to walk on a leash; it just means owners need to be patient and consistent in their training approaches. The use of a harness instead of a collar might provide better control, and rewards-based training can encourage them to walk by your side without pulling.

Are Beagles easy or hard to train?

The answer to whether Beagles are easy or hard to train can be subjective and depends largely on the method of training and the individual dog’s temperament. Beagles are intelligent and curious, which can sometimes be interpreted as stubbornness. Their scent-driven nature can also distract them during training sessions. However, with the right positive reinforcement techniques, Beagles can be trained effectively. According to a report from the Beagle Welfare Committee, consistency, patience, and reward-based training methods are particularly effective for Beagles. It’s essential to keep training sessions short, fun, and engaging to capture and maintain their attention.

Cute Beagle eats smoked sausage left on the kitchen table.
Image credit: Adobe Stock

What are the disadvantages of a Beagle?

While Beagles are delightful and charming pets, they come with their own set of challenges:

1. Vocal Nature: Much like Dachshunds, Beagles are known for their distinctive howl. This can sometimes be a nuisance, especially in environments like apartment complexes.

2. High Energy Levels: They require regular exercise to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. Neglecting this need can lead to destructive behaviors.

3. Stubbornness: Their curious nature can sometimes be mistaken for stubbornness, making training a challenge for first-time dog owners.

4. Health Issues: Like many purebred dogs, Beagles can be prone to certain health problems. According to a study published in The Veterinary Journal, Beagles can sometimes face issues like epilepsy, hip dysplasia, and certain eye disorders.

Are Beagles known to be barkers?

Yes, Beagles are known for their vocal nature. Historically, their howl or “bay” was used to signal hunters about the location of game. In a domestic setting, they might bark or howl in response to certain triggers like unfamiliar noises, the presence of other animals, or even when they’re bored. While Beagles are not incessant barkers like some other breeds, their vocalizations can be louder and more frequent than some owners might expect. Regular training from a young age can help moderate their barking tendencies.

Can beagles smell fear?

The idea that dogs can “smell” fear is a widely held belief. While it’s not fear itself they are detecting, dogs, especially scent hounds like Beagles, are adept at picking up changes in human pheromones, which can be produced when a person is scared or anxious. Dogs can detect emotional changes in humans by smelling human sweat. While Beagles might not directly “smell fear,” their acute sense of smell can undoubtedly detect changes in a person’s emotional state, making them incredibly attuned to their owners’ feelings.

Is a Beagle a good emotional support dog?

Beagles, with their friendly and affectionate nature, have the potential to make excellent emotional support dogs. They are inherently social and have an innate ability to connect with humans, offering comfort and companionship. Their manageable size also means they’re adaptable to various living environments, whether it’s an apartment or a house. Also, their lively and cheerful demeanor can serve as a great mood enhancer for individuals struggling with emotional or psychological challenges. While any breed can technically be an emotional support animal depending on individual temperament and the bond with their owner, Beagles are particularly known for their empathetic nature, making them a top choice for many.

What are Beagles scared of?

Like many dogs, Beagles can have specific fears or phobias. Commonly, loud noises, such as thunderstorms or fireworks, can be distressing to them. Their acute sense of hearing makes them more susceptible to being startled or overwhelmed by sudden, intense sounds. Additionally, unfamiliar environments or changes in their routine might make them anxious. Some Beagles might also be wary of unfamiliar people or animals, showing hesitancy or apprehension around them. However, individual fears can vary widely from one Beagle to another, and much of it depends on their upbringing, training, socialization, and individual experiences.

How do Beagles show affection?

Beagles are inherently affectionate and ‘wear their hearts on their furry sleeves’. They often show love by snuggling or curling up next to their favorite humans. A Beagle might nuzzle, lick, or gently paw at you, trying to show love and affection. Additionally, they might follow you around the house, wanting to be part of whatever you’re doing. Their expressive eyes can communicate a lot, and a tail wag from a Beagle is often a sign of happiness and attachment. Playfulness is another way they show affection; a Beagle that brings you its favorite toy is not just asking to play but is also displaying trust and love.

Portrait of funny young beagle puppy
Image credit: Adobe Stock

Conclusion: “What is it like to own a Beagle?”

Owning a Beagle can be a rewarding experience, offering companionship, love, and lots of playful moments. Ensuring you understand their needs and characteristics will only enhance this bond. Whether you’re a big family, an active senior, or simply someone seeking a furry friend, Beagles have much to offer. With proper training, exercise, and love, you’ll find out just how special it is to have a Beagle by your side.



Maja Sebenik is a proud owner of a Dachshund named Bimba. With three years of experience working as a researcher for a pet magazine, Maja's love for animals runs deep. Through her heartfelt writing, Maja shares practical tips, advice, and heartwarming anecdotes to inspire fellow pet lovers. Join her on a journey to explore the wonders of the animal kingdom, one paw at a time.

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